Our strengths
Case study
For a renowned French e-trader
We receive raw materials and accessories from European and Turkish suppliers by checking the quantities and the quality. Then the goods are transported to our distribution center in Sofia. There they are packed, stored and imputed in our system.
The customer receives a daily inventory report.
Following the instructions of our client, we deliver raw materials to its Bulgarian, Romanian and Macedonian manufacturers. The stocks are scanned when leaving the warehouse allowing real-time monitoring.
When the garment is ready in the workshops, the clothes are picked on hangers or in card boxes and transported to our distribution centre in Sofia. From there they are send to France.

Textile industry in Bulgaria
Bulgaria is a politically and economically stable state. As one of the fastest growing economies in the EU, the country is one of the major players in the textile and clothing industry.
There are more than 2,500 workshops in Bulgaria most of which are small size and thus offering a better quality of products as well as flexible and personalized services. The sector employs more than 150 000 qualified people.
The geographical position of Bulgaria offers a significant advantage for the sector. Its proximity to Turkey makes it possible to provide raw materials quickly, and at lower cost of purchase and transport. Bulgaria is a member of the European Union, garments are “Made In EU” and there is no need for customs procedures for import for EU countries.